My Topics of Courses and Seminars for Students:
- Consumer Behavior & IMC Strategies.
Cross Cultural Communications & Globalization.
Marketing & Advertising Strategies.
“Creactive”:Applied Creactive Workshop
My workshops and seminars for professionals:
- Western Vs. Eastern Strategies based on my book "Chinese Roulette"presenting 36 different strategies.
- Applying innovative approaches in organizations based on my book "CRE-ACT - IVE - Ideas Fly Ahead From Your Head".
- The Glocal Approach: “Think Global-Act Local” based on my Academic lecturing record, as wall as a long - run Consulting experience.
My methods of lecturing / teaching evolve the Edutainment system and high degree of interactivity with students & attendats.
- Visiting Lecturer in Japan and England in front of Business people and Corporate managers at different levels.
- Business consultant to firms in England, U.S.A & Japan.